The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it. - Chinese Proverb


Friends ....really

when you say friend
what exactly do you mean
because if the definition of friendship was based on what you are to me
i suggest it be redefined
if not i don't want any more of your kind...friends

last time i checked the foundation of friendship is
trust, communication and love
i know you love me..hey i love you too
communication we are definitely not lacking at that
trust now thats something i would like to know about

if you claim to be my friend
and then you don't trust me
why would you tell me all these things
that are from deep within
that you would not tell every jack ,peter and jane

you make me question your position in my life
and why you ask?
because clearly you and i differ in our definition of friendship
and before we take another step lets work on this
and be on the same page or else go our separate ways